
Domenge published on
2 min, 306 words

Categories: main

This site aims to show some of the experiments in computer science that I had during my professional activity and on my spare time. The posts are kind of recipes intented to keep fresh in my mind the developments and skills hardly acquired.

I consider this site as a remainder about good times spent with my colleagues, in a friendly yet challenging ambient.


Zola is a SSG (static site generator) meaning that the author don't have to type a single line of HTML. The code to set up the text is markdowna well-known markup language very simple to write and understand, and easy to read.

Even more Zola has two goals, to be :

  • a HTML code generator for a whole website ;
  • an autonomous web server written in Rust (i.e blazingly fast) to be used as a prototyping bed.

Tera templating engine

In its ecosystem, Zola uses Teraas a templating engine. Terais the Rust equivalent of Jinjafor the Flaskweb server framework in Python parlance. For a Flask and newbie Rust developper, working with the same templating schema is valuable.


Some posts are written in many languages. It is due firstly by the context of work or spare time :

  • in english for the experiments during spare time1 ;
  • in occitan for academic work to attend Master 2 EVOC2 and for some personal projects ;
  • in french for my professional activity.

Lastly, many languages are necessary to show cultural and linguistic diversity that an aegemonic and single language lacks to express. Romanic languages as occitan and catalan that are twin sisters, stands there to prove that the author thinks and speaks out in mediterranean languages for everyday uses as like as in technical and intellectual discussions.

1 and also to be widely understood. 2 Estudis e Valorizacion del Patrimòni Occitan.
